Announcement of the Second Panel Discussion Topic
The theme for the Second Panel Discussion of the “Kovalyov Readings” 2022 dedicated to the centenary of the Mitrofan Kovalyov will be devoted to the main trends of the convergence of the leading world criminal legal systems.
For three decades, the process of convergence of different criminal legal systems has been actively underway. The continental family tends to adopt some features of precedent; the Anglo-Saxon family, on the contrary, increases the role of legal acts, and judicial discretion is losing its ground. The "remnants" of socialist legal systems adopt entire legal institutions from various legal systems, becoming hybrid ones.
Do these trends lead to internationalization of Criminal Law?
All pressing matter of the named questions will be thoroughly discussed by distinguished speakers on the Second Panel Discussion « Convergence Trends of the World Criminal Legal Systems» on 18 February 2022.
Further information on Conference Program is published on our website at the “Program” page.