Benjamin Samson, MBA Deputy City Prosecutor, Department of Justice, Republic of the Philippines, recommends Kovalyov Readings-2018.
Benjamin Samson, MBA, Deputy City Prosecutor, Department of Justice, Republic of the Philippines, Visiting Professional, International Criminal Court, Visiting Research Fellow, China-ASEAN Legal Research Center, Specially Invited Member, China HuanYu-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center, shares his opinion on Kovalyov Readings:
- I first attended this prestigious international legal conference last year where I discussed the Philippines' war on illegal drugs and the deaths of people resulting from its implementation. I could not forget the enthusiasm and dynamism of the participants during my presentation. And it left a lasting impression on my part with regard to the enviable organization of the event, the quality of the discussions, and the warm hospitality of the Russian people.
Now that I have been invited again to speak in this year's edition, I am hoping for another round of intellectual exchange of ideas on relevant social issues; and it is my ardent wish that I will be able to impart to the audience a new perspective - one that is based on my experience as prosecutor.
I must say that of all the international fora, seminars, trainings, and conferences that I attended, the International Legal Conference (Kovalev Readings) stands out for the quality of the topics and the ensuing discussions between the speakers and the participants. More importantly, I admire how organized the event is and the format by which the speakers give their insights. In essence, the format gives emphasis to quality rather than quantity. I sincerely thank the Ural State Law University and Puchkov & Partners for extending me another invitation. Spasibo!