Off-site meeting of the Council of the RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers 2019Flaco ZacariasFebruary 23, 2019Kovalyov Readings
LegalTech vs Classical education mistake or breakthrough 2019Flaco ZacariasFebruary 23, 2019Kovalyov Readings
Arbitrator mistake and attorney mistake. What is the cost of a mistake and who pays the price 2019Flaco ZacariasFebruary 23, 2019Kovalyov Readings
The exercise of procedural rights counsel’s mistake or abuse of rights 2019Flaco ZacariasFebruary 23, 2019Kovalyov Readings
Panel discussion: "Medical mistake: evaluation criteria. Iatrogenesis" 2019 VideoFlaco ZacariasFebruary 22, 2019Archive
Panel discussion «LegalTech vs Classical education: mistake or breakthrough?» 2019 VideoFlaco ZacariasFebruary 22, 2019Archive
Panel discussion «Arbitration agreement: how to avoid mistakes?» 2019 VideoFlaco ZacariasFebruary 22, 2019Archive
Panel discussion «Arbitrator mistake and attorney mistake. What is the cost of a mistake and who pays the price?» 2019 VideoFlaco ZacariasFebruary 22, 2019Archive
Panel discussion «The exercise of procedural rights: counsel’s mistake or abuse of rights?» 2019 VideoFlaco ZacariasFebruary 22, 2019Archive
Offsite Meeting of the Council of the RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers 2017Flaco ZacariasFebruary 17, 2017
Workshop by Constance Bagley “Organizing a High-Quality and High-Profit Practice” 2017Flaco ZacariasFebruary 17, 2017
Lecture by Andrey Klishas “Topical Issues of Current Legislative Activity” 2017Flaco ZacariasFebruary 17, 2017