Kendall Coffey
Attorney, Chair, Southern District Conference, Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission, founder of Coffey Burlington Attorneys at Law, USA, Miami

Kitsing Vladimir Arvuvich
Attorney at Law, Partner, the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers «Knyazev and Partners», Russia, Moscow

Klyuvgant Vadim Vladimirovich
Attorney at Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers on the Protection of Advocates’ Rights, Partner and Co-Head of the Criminal Law Practice, Attorneys at Law Pen & Paper, Russia, Moscow

Klishas Andrey Aleksandrovich
Chairman of the Committee of the Federal Council - the Russian Federation's on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction, Doctor of Law, Professor, Scientific Director of the Law Institute of the RUDN University, Russia, Moscow

Kovalevа Margarita Mikhailovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Member of the Russian Union of Journalists

Kozachenko Ivan Yakovlevich
Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Pardon Commission with the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Head of the Criminal Law Department, Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg

Kondrashova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Ural State Law University, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Krasovskiy Anton Vyacheslavovich
Russian Journalist, Director of SPID.CENTER Fund, Special Adviser on Media Relations, Attorneys at Law Pen & Paper, Russia, Moscow

Kvashis Vitaly Efimovich
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, expert of the Council of Europe, UN Committee on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Kibalnik Aleksei Grigoryevich
Doctor of Law, Professor, North Caucasus Federal University, Russia, Stavropol

Kolpakov Konstantin Anatolyevich
Director of Directorate of Problem Assets, Block of the Executive Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Russian Post», Russia, Moscow

Korobeev Alexandr Ivanovich
Член Высшей квалификационной коллегии судей РФ, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Head of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, Vladivostok

Korsik Konstantin Anatolyevich
President of Federal Notarial chamber of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Chairman of the board of The Institute of Development of a Notariate fund, Russia, Moscow

Kulik Yaroslav Vladimirovich
Partner, Advocate, Head of Competition Practice, Head of South Korea Desk of law firm Art De Lex, Russia, Moscow

Kuryakov Andrey Valentinovich
Head of the Department of Federal Law Enforcement Supervision of the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor’s Office, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Linnikov Alexander
Candidate of Law, Attorney at, Law, Partner of Linnikov & Partners, Russia, Moscow

Lihachyov Maksim Alexandrovich
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of The European and International law Department of The Ural State Law University, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Lomas Andrew
Barrister of commercial set of barristers’ chambers «One Essex Court», Great Britain, London

Lopashenko Natalya Aleksandrovna
Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Saratov Center on the Research of Organized Crime and Corruption, Saratov State Law Academy, Russia, Saratov

Lyubimova Maria Nikolayevna
Senior lawyer, The Regionservice chamders of Lawyers, Moscow

Makarov Sergey Yuryevich
Attorney at Law, Adviser of RF Federal Chamber of Lawyers, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Bar Department, Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin, Russia, Moscow

Miroshnichenko Maria Nikolayevna
Head of the Civil and Arbitration Proceedings Assistance Department in the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor’s Office, Candidate of Law, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Mitin Alexander Nikolayevich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Management Theory and Practice Department, The Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg

Nagornov Vyacheslav Yuryevich
Judge, Chairman of the 1st Judicial Assembly of the Appeal Instance of the Judicial Chamber for Criminal Cases of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Neznamova Zinaida Aleksandrovna
Doctor of Law, Professor, Ural State Law University, Russia, Yekaterinburg

Nikiforov Ilya Victorovich
Managing partner of law firm “Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev and Partners”, Russia, Moscow

Novak Denis Vasilyevich
The Deputy Minister of Justice of Russian Federation, Candidate of Law, Russia, Moscow